Wednesday, February 13, 2008


For those of you who've spent the last three months off the planet, the Hollywood writers have been on strike. They wanted to be paid for internet distributions. After all, the studio get paid and the actors get paid, and i thinkthe camera men get paid too.

They won most of what they demanded.


It really annoys me the number of places that don't pay writers. I once had the website of a major national newspaper ask to use my travel piece for free. The editors got paid and the software engineers who kept the site going got paid and the cleaners and canteen staff got paid. They were quite happy to pay rent for the building, and nbills for electricity and water.

But the writers?

Nah, they didn't pay them.

I'll write for free when nobody else is getting paid. I do that for Ruido and I don't mind a bit. What really gets my goat is the notion that writers are the only people you don't pay.

So I'm delighted that the Hollywood writers won this round.

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