Friday, March 23, 2012

Fantastic so far.

So far my busy week has been a blast. The hours aren't as bad as I feared, I really like the people I'm looking after, and I get to learn about photography too. Oh, and I get to take photos myself. Here's a few of them.
The day started with a press conference about Fotonature, and I was there to translate for Jane Menyawi, the National Geographic photo editor. So I had three TV cameras pointing at me, which was pretty intimidating.

Then we went to Los Tilos, where I got this photo of the Canarian bell flower, and the Palmeran Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs Palmae).
And a wonderful view, which is hard to photograph. That's my shadow on the foreground at the bottom.

And this is a National Geographic photographer, shooting through railings.
Of course the locals thought we were crazy, or at least this one did.
Meanwhile, my husband is installing cables in a small space for a new scientific instrument, and bashing his head on the ceiling.  It's not a fair world.

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