Well, our son's room is painted.
He decided to go for blue, and we chose paint that's supposed to cover with one coat. Luckily, the ceiling was already white, so we just had to point over the pink walls.
We put most of the furniture in the guest room, and the bookshelf on the landing, and got stuck in, all of us. This was the first time our son had painted walls, so his bit was a rather blotchy, but we'd expected that. the really nice surprise was that he did a lot more painting and a lot less moaning than we'd expected.
So we let the first coat dry, and painted over the blotchy bits. And that's when we realised that the white ceiling wasn't white. It was very pale pink, which looked like white as long as it was next to pink walls. Not now that it was next to blue ones.
So I dashed out and bought some white paint, while my husband took out the light fitting. We just managed to get all the painting done on Saturday.
Of course that meant that on Sunday we had to move the furniture back.
This wasn't simple. You see, the idea was to swap over the old furniture with the stuff from the guest room, so that there'd be more space for our son. But the original furniture in the guest room was now buried under our son's old furniture.
It took ages, but we did it, and our son will sleep in there again tonight (he spent last night on the couch.) That just leaves the light fitting, the curtain rail, and the curtains to do.